A list of publications, events, and other similar things that may be of interest to those with an interest in SURC or affiliates of the cluster
EVENT: Distrust, Political Polarization, and America’s Challenged Institutions
SPECIAL ISSUE: Institutions, Experts & the Loss of Trust
PAST EVENT: Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered
Seyla Benhabib(Yale University & Columbia Law School)
The intense interest in cosmopolitanism in the social and political sciences, cultural and legal studies dates back to the last two decades of the 20th century. By the beginning of the new century, cosmopolitanism had fallen on hard times. Not only political developments but philosophical critiques as well have cast doubt upon cosmopolitanism. Martha Nussbaum’s recent book, The Cosmopolitan Tradition: A Noble but Flawed Ideal, heralds a retreat back from cosmopolitan universalism to liberal nationalism. Post-colonial critiques also reject cosmopolitanism for being complicit in European imperialism. In Sylvia Wynter’s words, how can we unsettle the coloniality of being and power, truth and freedom? I will argue that it is possible to defend a ‘cosmopolitanism from below’ that is sensitive to post-colonial critiques without falling back to liberal nationalism.